Welcome to Thunderdome

I just woke from a pretty wacky dream.

In it, my friend Jon was visiting the office, a place he does not frequent since he is no longer a co-worker. Work was basically work, except that somehow I had reorganized my area into a near copy of one of my first workspaces at WotC oh those many years ago.

Most, if not all of my current inmates were there with me, although I only interacted with a couple. Jon’s Lady (2 years together today!) Julia was there, as were several co-workers. My place in the office was mutable, as I appeared to be the Last Manager Standing, and I was able to bust out into a soundtracked version of “Relax

And even though I had moved my desk, and there was a large table, white board, and interactive map in my area, I was able to dance and shout. Julia came over to talk to me, and Jon joined us. They related their difficulties in traveling, since they were “not allowed to purchase anything to go to Yellow countries.” This struck me as intensely odd, so I pulled up the yellow countries on the map.

They were England (But not Scotland, Ireland, or Wales), Spain (but not Portugal), France, Germany, Poland, the Former Yugoslavia, Egypt, Australia, half of China, and India.
I found that ridiculous, so I plotted their course to Hawaii so that they could at least have some fun. I told them how ridiculous i thought it was, since Bridget is there now. While doing so, I noticed a smudge on the map that was bothering me, so I attempted to clean it. The Smudge got larger, and annoyed me before vigorous scrubbing at least displayed the 50th state properly.

There are now Couches in the workspace, and Jon is laughing that if I didn’t want to clean things, I should not have applied for all those administrative jobs. My retort was that I am supposed to have staff for this sort of thing, to which he replied “Dude, you went to MIT. There is no staff for you.”

There is clearly no response to this line of reasoning. Advantage, Leithuesser. Julia asks me if I would like their travel coupon, since they will not be flying after all. I give it some thought, because I still have a hotel coupon that could be combined with it for a weekend away. San Francisco for new year’s pops into mind, and ask them if they’d like to grab dinner while I discuss with my social director.

While calling her up, a movie plan arises, and another former Coworker shows up wearing a read suede leather jacket, and announces he will be joining us. Sha-na-na is there briefly, but does not seem to want either dinner or a movie.

Julia wants to head up to the Alderwood Cheap cinemas, which is doable, but odd. There they are showing a remake of Horror House, and also John Carpenter’s The Thing. Further, they want to have sushi. This casts my own participation into doubt, since it is Day 6, and I really don’t want to have fish.

So I make my farewells, and wake up.

Oatmeal is delicious, I can tell you. ever with the fever dreams. Other than the fire in my throat, pain in all joints , fluid in lungs and raging headache, I feel fantastic.

Go figure.

Enjoy your non-me day, everyone.

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