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Day 4


2400 and change today including these words : “This is all crap , start over.” After struggling for several hours with both …

Dear Universe,

This is me, not writing today. Vegetables were acquired, consumed, and now are slowly turning into undigestable fiber in my Belly. Yumm. …

Note to self, 9:38 AM

That hollow, spinning feeling? Easily avoided by having acceptable food in the house. Go the the store, moron. Have some veggies. they …


So I could not breathe in Denver, and my ability to do so has DECREASED since my return. Crapitude. There is apparently …

Thursday, it must be Summer

2400 more words on Chapter 11 today, in roughly the time I put in yesterday. I have decided that Chapter 11 needed …


5 hours of sleep this time. the extra class of wine helped. Woke up during a severe allergic reaction, and nearly everything …


Roughly 24 hours to go in this madness, and I have not stopped writing yet. wordcount widgets Despite minor unpleasantness, today was …

I’m not happy

with today’s work. Not all of it, anyway. Productive efforts for the day job, and a restful regimen of roughage. That means …


mainly because iShould. Somewhat productive work morning, and the afternoon looks as if it will be the same. Yesterday’s mega dose of …

Meal the first

One package veggie-burgers (the less breadful, the better), nuked to perfection, chopped, and served over… A bed of baby Arugala, topped with… …