Monkeys = Cool

I love Monkeys.

STAN! and I used to collect monkeys. Not the real kind, those that hang out in the wild and throw feces, but instead the cuddly, stuffed kind. Sometimes expensive, sometimes not.

But cool nonetheless.

Last winter, I decided that with my nifty new camera phone, I no longer needed to purchase stuffed monkeys, when I could instead steal their stuffed souls and store them digitally. Imagine my joy when the number of monkeys at my disposal went way, way up

I have a theory regarding the proliferation of monkey imagery in the world. I think it is hardwired within each of us to like other primates. By glorifying them, we glorify ourselves as well.

We feel comfortable with their similarities, and take pride in our implied evolutionary superiority.

The big joke is on us. Because we're not at the end of an evolutionary chain that used to include monkeys (distinct from apes or prosimians, the other two commonly recognized varieties of primates). We're the last surviving hominid.

And there's lots, and lots of monkeys

There are so many pages about Monkeys and Apes online, I could never list them all. I'm not even going to try. But I found all of the links above within 5 minutes, using base words.

But here, you'll find Stuffed monkeys, and a few cartoonish or otherwise flat depictions of the monkey ideal. Digital Icons of our love for our fellow primates.

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